
How to take care of Pets at Home in summer | Pet care at Home

Pet care at Home In the summer, you should take precautions to protect your family from the spread of summer diseases. But don't forget the pets. You may think that animals are stronger, but as the temperature rises they also need extra care. Here are some tips to take care of your pets at home in the summer: Care for Dogs You have a dog that plays, jumps, can get tired when it's too hot. Take a look at some of the symptoms of fatigue or anxiety. The same precautions you take with your children when it comes to cars are just as important for your dog. That is, do not leave it alone in a closed car, not even for a while and not even by opening the windows. Doing so in extreme heat can endanger its health. Provide clean drinking water to your dog throughout the day. Even though it is very hot, don't forget to get your dog to exercise daily. Choose the right time in the summer and take it for a walk or exercise. After a long walk or play, you can give the dog an ice cube...

How do Pets sharpen Children's Brains | Pets at Home

Pick up any children's book and look, most likely the main character in the story will be an animal, not a human. From small reptiles like caterpillars to large marine animals like whales, animals seem to be of special interest to children around the world. Most of the animals seen in pictorial stories are far from the real world of children. But in homes where there are pets, children have the opportunity to see animal world up close. Often, these children and pets develop a relationship that lasts a lifetime. If parents are aware of relationship between children and pets and its effects on children in their life, not only they will choose the right animal, but it also helps them to understand a true and successful relationship. For most people, their pets are like family members who help them at different stages of life. These friends, running around the house, can help the couple strengthen their relationship. They can play with children and when the children grow up and mo...

Useful Tips for keeping Pet Cat at Home | Small Animals for Pets

Most of the people are fond of keeping pet cat at home. Some people make a good breed of cat a part of their homes. On the other hand, in most cases, the cats that roam around once or twice get acquainted with the house after finding a food item. Cats are generally the most popular pet on the list. The average age of cats is 13 to 17 years, but most cats reach 20 years of age. Did you know that August 8 is World Cat Day? The day was started in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare, an organization working for the welfare of animals, and aims to draw attention to the care of this innocent little pet. Today we are going to tell you some important information that is very important for you to know, if you have a pet cat in your house. 🐹  Avoid cutting the nails at the root of your cat's paw. This is a very painful stage for them. Instead, give them a rough surface on which they can scratch their nails. It is also important because scratches break old cats' nails a...

Pet Animals and Birds can hinder Children's study | Pet care at Home

Birds and small animals look very cute and children love animals very much. Children even try unsuccessfully to control large animals, which can be estimated in the days of Eid-ul-Adha. But that's not their job. Children also love birds, catch the flying birds if they can. Yes, it is important to note that birds are the beauty of the universe. They look good flying in the sky and chirping. It is a sin to take away their freedom or to keep them in prison. Like human beings, they also want freedom. Also keep in mind that raising animals and birds is not an easy task. They need full attention and have to take care of their health. This hobby is not only expensive but also difficult. Where birds are kept, there is no cleanliness, and where there is no cleanliness, germs grow, which are harmful to health.  In rural areas , birds can easily breed because there is almost no environmental pollution. Open fields and greenery are seen everywhere. Animals graze there all day long and easil...

Pet Care and Home Cleaning Tips | All the Best Pet Care at Home

All the Best Pet Care Raising animals at home is a hobby of most people. Pets are definitely a great companion. Don't let us feel lonely. Not only sound education but their alertness and dedication too are most required. Caring for animals is a difficult task because they are very sensitive and are prone to diseases. These are dumb animals that can't express their pain, so it is important that we understand their pain easily. If you also have an animal, take care of it especially in summer ways. How to take care of animals? Vaccination of Pets Animals are sensitive and can be affected by various diseases, so animals are vaccinated to prevent them. There are different vaccines for each animal. They not only protect the animal from disease but also protect humans from the damage caused by the bite of these animals. Cleaning of Pets Humans do their own cleaning, but these animals cannot do their own cleaning, so it is important to pay special attention to the cleanliness of ...

What to keep in Mind when raising Animals or Birds at home?

How to raise pets at home? Most people like to keep animals at home but do not think that they will affect the decoration of the house. However, there are some ways in which animals, if followed, can add to the decoration of a home instead of spoiling it. The report, published in Sayidaty, quotes interior designer Hijazi as saying that raising animals is not a bad thing. However, it is important to understand a few things and keep in mind the health aspects of home decoration as well. 👉 Every pet has a proper place in the house and if it is kept there, not only the beauty of the house is enhanced but also the pet and the animal itself is saved from many problems. 👉   If you want to keep an aquarium of colorful fish, keep it in such a way that the rays emitted from the TV screen do not affect its beauty. Therefore, care should be taken for proper distance. If the TV is in one corner, place the aquarium in the other corner. 👉   In the same way, if there is a garden in the...

Beautiful Parrots of the World || Parrots and their Species

Beautiful Parrots of the World Allah Almighty has created many birds for the interest and enjoyment of human beings. More than one, it looks beautiful, attractive and charming. Some of them prefer to live in forests and some with humans or near their settlements. If we talk about birds, many birds live near human settlements. One of them is a parrot. There are about 393 species of parrots and 92 breeds. Some of these breeds speak like humans. Of these, Macaw Parrots, Conures, Parakeets, Cockatiel, Budgerigar are the most popular. Parrots are brightly colored and of different sizes. Some species of parrots are very small in size and some are large. Generally, green parrots are more domesticated. They are neither too small nor too big in the body. They have the ability to make human voices and speak like humans. Some breeds of parrots come in different colors. Most of them are found in dark blue, yellow, green, white and two or more colors. Most parrots have different colors, like a r...