
Showing posts from July, 2018

Guinea Pig | Domestic Guinea Pig has Enjoyed widespread Popularity as a Household Pet

Guinea Pig or often called “Domestic Guinea Pig” also famous as “Cavy” or “Domestic Cavy”, is a breed of rodent belonging to the family “Caviidae” and the genus “Cavia”. In spite of the common name, Guinea Pigs are not in the pig family ‘Suidae’, nor come from ‘Guinea’ in Africa. Guinea Pigs are originated in ‘Andes’ of South America. Domestic Guinea Pig plays a vital role in common culture for various native Andean groups, particularly as a food source, but also in traditional medicine and in public spiritual ceremonies. Weight and Length Guinea Pigs are large for rodents, weighing between 700 and 1,200 g (1.5 and 2.6 lbs), and measuring between 20 and 25 cm (8 and 10 in) in length. Modern breeding of cute Guinea Pigs has resulted in animals weighing 2,700 grams (6.0 lb). Lifespan The average lifespan of Guinea Pigs is four to five years but they can live up to eight years. The recorded lifespan of Guinea Pigs as per ‘Guinness World Records’ is 14 years and 10.5 months. Popularity In ...

Fancy Rat | Intelligent, Loyal and Easily Trainable Pet Rat

Fancy Rat is a very famous breed of “Tame” or “Pet Rat”. The term “Fancy Rat" comes from the impression of animal fancy to promote domestic animals. The wild breeds that have become compliant and raised for various groups still include in the ‘fancy’ breed. Fancy Rats have their ancestries as the targets for blood-sport during the 18 th and 19 th centuries in Europe. Later on, Fancy Rats were bred as domestic pets and now come in various color and coat varieties. Fancy Rats are usually sold as pets at the stores by breeders. Body Type Two of the most protuberant and consistent physical variations applied to rats through selective breeding are the expansion of the “Manx” and “Dumbo”. The Dumbo, whose backgrounds are in the United States, is considered by having big, little, round ears on the sides of its head, and was known as for similarity to the fantastic “Dumbo” the Elephant. The Manx Rat is without tail due to a genetic changes, and was known as for the ‘Manx Cat’, which sha...

Chinchilla | Chinchillas are Popular Pets but require much care

Chinchillas are the two species of “crepuscular rodents” of the “parvorder Caviomorpha”. They are somewhat bigger and more healthy than ground squirrels and are innate to the ‘Andes Mountains’ in South America. Chinchillas live in groups called ‘herds’ at high elevations of up to 14,000 feet (4,270 meters). Generally, chinchillas lived in some areas of Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, and Chile, but now the wild colonies are more famous in ‘Chile’. Along with their families, viscachas, they form a family “Chinchillidae”. Chinchillas are more similar to the ‘chinchilla rat’. Chinchilla has the most solid hair of all mammals that are alive on the earth. In the water, sea-otter has a thicker coat. Maximum chinchillas are now being used by the fur-industry for making cloths and other accessories. Chinchillas are occasionally retained as pets and maybe deliberated a type of pocket-pet. Chinchilla Species The two existing breeds of Chinchilla are “Chinchilla Brevicaudata” and “Chinchilla Lanigera”....

Fancy Mouse – Especially Bred for Exhibiting in International Shows

Fancy Mouse is a tame mouse that is a type of “pocket pet” which was usually produced as a pet. The Fancy Mice are also named as ‘Feeder Mice’ when they are traded as food for flesh-eating pets, for instance, snakes. Fancy Mice have also been mostly bred for participating in international shows. They are low-priced as compared with other bigger pets, but they have reasonably a short life. The word 'Fancy Mouse' is used to clarify mice that have been particularly bred for the exhibition. Size and Weight Fancy Mice vary significantly in size. The normal size of a small pet-mouse ranges between 15 cm to 17.5 cm (6 to 7 inches) in length from nose to the tip of the tail, whereas, the size of a show-mouse is around 30 cm (12 inches) from nose to tail. The normal weight of a pet-mouse range between 1.0 oz to 1.6 oz (29 grams to 44 grams), though, the large show-mouse can be up to 4.6 oz (130 grams). Coat and Colors Human fixed simulated variety in fancy mice has generated a range of ...

Hamsters - Popular Small House Pets

The “Hamsters” are rodents from the subfamily ‘Cricetinae’ which includes around 25 breeds categorized in 6 or 7 species. They have become acquainted as common minor house-pets as they are easy to produce in detention, Hamsters are also frequently used as workshop animals. Hamsters are very crepuscular than nighttime and, in the wild, they live underground during the day to evade being trapped by the hunters. They feed mostly on seeds, fruits, and vegetation, and will infrequently eat digging insects. As one of their more protuberant physiognomies, they have extended cheek pouches spreading to their shoulders, which they use to transport food back to their holes. Appearance and Size Hamsters are usually stout-bodied, with tails smaller than body size, and have small, hairy ears, small, sturdy legs, and extensive feet. They have dense, silky hair, which can be long or small, decorated with black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow, red, or mix colors subject to the breeds. Two types of H...