Useful Tips for keeping Pet Cat at Home | Small Animals for Pets
Most of the people are fond of keeping pet cat at home. Some people make a good breed of cat a part of their homes. On the other hand, in most cases, the cats that roam around once or twice get acquainted with the house after finding a food item. Cats are generally the most popular pet on the list. The average age of cats is 13 to 17 years, but most cats reach 20 years of age. Did you know that August 8 is World Cat Day? The day was started in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare, an organization working for the welfare of animals, and aims to draw attention to the care of this innocent little pet. Today we are going to tell you some important information that is very important for you to know, if you have a pet cat in your house. 🐹 Avoid cutting the nails at the root of your cat's paw. This is a very painful stage for them. Instead, give them a rough surface on which they can scratch their nails. It is also important because scratches break old cats' nails a...