Cat is a Beautiful Pet | Types of Popular Pet Cats
Cat is a Beautiful Pet
Cats have been one of the most important animals in human history since ancient times. The cat is a small, harmless, carnivorous animal that is able to hunt about a thousand animals and birds for its food. It has been trained to climb trees and high places. Cats typically weigh between two and a half kilograms and eight kilograms, with an average height of nine to ten inches and a length of eighteen inches, while tails can be up to eleven inches long.
Types of Pet Cats
According to a 2007 research survey, all species of domestic cats worldwide, except for the continents of Australia and Antarctica, belong primarily to Felis Silvestris Lybica, a family of five wild cats on the African continent. The following is information about the types and characteristics of the important cats that migrated in 1000 BC.
Iranian Cat
The body of an Iranian cat belonging to the ancient family of cats is full of soft and smooth hair. This breed of cat first reached France via Turkey and entered Italy from Iran through tourists in 1620 and became the favorite pet cat of all Europe. It should be noted that in terms of long hair and shining eyes, it is considered to be the oldest breed of cat, which is called Persian cat after the ancient name of Iran. Cats of the Persian breed adorned with beauty and innocence have long been prominent in competitions. In this regard, it should be remembered that Iranian cats had won the first and third positions in the international cat show held in the United States last year.
Turkish Angora
This breed of cat, named Angora in the historic city of Ankara, Turkey, is considered one of the oldest cats. The color of this cat is usually white milky but it is also found in other light colors besides white. Turkish Angora is as soft and smooth as silk, the eyes are usually two-colored (Odd Eye), the ears are pointed and long. One of the distinguishing features of the cat of the Turkish Angora breed is that the pet cat “Muezzin” of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) also belonged to this breed.
With soft but short hair and a long tail, this cat is widely bred in the United States. Its hometown is called Alexandria, Egypt. The combination of light and dark color of hair shows that the English word ‘M’ is written. Unlike other cats, its ears are very large. Eager to get out of the house, however, after the owner has changed his daily routine, it has been observed that the Abyssinian cat becomes stressed.
Siamese Cat
This Southeast Asian cat is well-liked for its sharpness and beauty. The breed is native to Siam, now Thailand. The breed was introduced to Britain and Europe in 1884 by the British Consul General in Bangkok. The Siamese cat was presented to the President of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes, by the same Consul General in 1878, after which the breed was introduced in the United States and became the first choice of American citizens. The face is black or brown, the eyes are brown, the ears are blue, and the ears are pointed and large.
American Curl
This breed of cat, born with straight ears, bends backwards ten days after birth. This process continues until the age of four months, after which the ears become permanent in this state. What distinguishes 'American Curl' from other breeds of cats is the soft and silky-haired 'American Curl' of various colors, found mostly in the United States, Spain, France, Japan and Russia, and is a major participant in beautiful cat competitions. It is believed that this breed was created from a combination of different cats. Despite this, it is considered to be genetically healthy. However, it is important to protect its ears from any unnecessary violence that could affect hearing.
Bengal Cat
Named Bengal, this breed is actually a hybrid cat, created from a combination of the wild cat Leopard Cat and various domestic cats found in Southeast Asia, and after about three generations, this cat has the characteristics of a pet. This cat with big white spots and marble spots was born in the 1960s. This cat, which lives for twelve to sixteen years, has a much louder voice than all other domestic cats. Contrary to its name, this cat is not related to the Bengal Tiger breed. Similarly, this cat is found mostly in the United States and the United Kingdom instead of Bengal.
Birman Cat
Burmese consider the Burmese cat sacred. There are also many mythological stories in Burma about this cat with dark blue eyes and light colors. After World War II, only two cats of this breed, Orloff and the female Xenia, survived in Europe. However, they were bred in France after World War II and are now seen in large numbers due to better care. Friendly, relatively tall, the cat's face is covered with dark hair and the rest of its body is usually covered with white hair.
Bombay Cat
There are two types of cats of this breed associated with the city of Mumbai, formerly Bombay, India, including the British Bombay Cat and the American Bombay Cat. The other type of cat is the American Bombay Cat, also known as the 'Baby Panther' because of its resemblance to the leopard. The eyes are orange. Both types of cats have very different sounds than normal cats, but they can easily live in a warm environment and are completely humane.
California Spangled Cat
The cat, which resembles a leopard and looks fierce, is a complete domestic pet and is considered one of the most expensive cats in terms of price. Riding on the owner's shoulder is his favorite pastime.
Egyptian Mau
The fastest running Egyptian cat of all domestic cats belongs to the ancient cat breed of about three thousand years ago, as evidenced by the ancient Egyptian photographs. There are spots on this cat's body. They do not have hair color, but if the cat is bald, these spots can be seen on the skin; bronze, gray, black and galvanized.
Exotic Shorthair Cat
This flat-mouthed cat is a combination of the 'Persian' and the 'American Short Hair' cat, which is also considered to be the dog's best friend. At least there is something that smells like the owner or the radio or TV is on so that it does not feel lonely. This jumping cat is also a good hunter of rats.
Sphynx is an important breed of hairless cats that does not have fluids on its body but has a smooth skin-like fur on its body which has different colors. This cat is also called Canadian Hairless. Don Sphynx's cat does not have congenital hair on its skin, as does another cat, Peter-bald. However, it loses its hair gradually. Without hair, these cats do not mix easily with humans.
British Shorthair
The copper-eyed cat is considered one of the healthiest cats and belongs to some of the most popular breeds of cats in the UK. Its individuality is its legs which are shorter than its body.
Japanese Bobtail
Cats of this breed with short tail like rabbits are found mostly in Japan and Southeast Asian countries and mostly consist of three colors. About a thousand years old this breed is considered a sign of good luck in Japan and many businesses decorate her statues with the name Maneki Neko, meaning "cat that brings money."
Norwegian Forest Cat
Found in extremely cold regions, this breed is considered to be the favorite cat of the cold regions, especially the people of Northern Europe, because of its furry soft hair. It also provides waterproofing for the body and protects it from the harsh weather.
This unique cat, which looks like a squirrel and a kangaroo, is valued all over the world because its front legs are much shorter than its hind legs, while its tail is as long as a squirrel's or 'kangaroo cat'.
Odd-Eyed Cat
There are some breeds of cats that have different eye colors. The Prophet's pet cat, Muezzin, who belonged to the Turkish Angora breed, also had different eye colors. A cat with odd eyes means that one eye of the cat is completely different from the other. However, one eye of a cat must be blue, while the other eye is green, yellow or brown. One of the interesting things about odd eyes cats is that they are usually deaf. In addition, the blue eyes of cats with two-colored eyes usually give a red-eye effect to the image due to the brightness of the camera flashlight. This trait found in these cats is due to a genetic mutation that is primarily related to the color of the hair on the skin. It should be noted that due to its unique feature and historical status, such cats have been declared a national heritage in Turkey.
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